Final Fantasy VIII Remastered game core mod which allows all texture replacement, fixes to original game and more!
ff8_demaster is core mod/patch dedicated to Final Fantasy VIII: Remastered game. The mod is a base mod for all other modifications, as it’s non-intrusive, works by dependency injecting itself to the game and provides various features described below.
For the mod to work you need the latest __1.0.3.0__ patched Final Fantasy VIII: Remaster game. It works both on Japanese and EFIGS (English,French,Italian,German,Spanish) versions of the game. The bare minimum is to have the game patche to version which is the latest version of the game. It’s due to the fact, that the addresses that I hook and inject into are different between all versions from to + independent one for Japanese version. The mod is not compatible with any other version of the game. Please also run the game at least once after downloading from Steam.
file from the game directory. That’s all